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New to Hockey?



If you are brand new to skating and hockey, you probably have a lot of questions. 

One of the first question usually asked is: What entry level program is most appropriate for my child?  Listed below is general information regarding our sequence of entry level programs.

Registration for all of the programs is done online.  Specific information about upcoming sessions (ie, dates, cost, etc) is usually available online one month before the program begins.  Click on the "registration" tab at the far right of the horizontal menu above, and follow the links for information or to register for the program you are interested in.  Payment can be made by credit or debit card, or electronic check only for hockey programs.  Payments by check for skating lessons are accepted at the lobby registration sessions.

If you have any questions regarding our programs or which level would be appropriate for your child, please contact Linda Zahnleuter at, or 518-393-9459.

Learn To Skate (LTS) - Open to all ages and levels of interest, those interested in hockey or figure skating.  Students skate 1 hour per week - 1/2 hour of formal instruction, and 1/2 hour to practice what you are learning.  Sessions run throughout the year and each session is 7 weeks long.  One or more sessions of skating lessons and the ability to skate independently is required before starting any of our entry level hockey programs below.  Click here for "Frequently Asked Questions" about our skating lessons program.

Intro to Hockey  -  This is our first entry level hockey program, designed to develop a foundation of hockey skating skills and basic stickhandling skills in a fun and exciting atmosphere.  Participants should be independent skaters when they register.  This class is ideal for children who will be 5 or 6 years old by December 31st, but is open to children of all ages.  The program meets once per week from early November through early March.  

Full hockey equipment is required, however limited quantities of free loaner equipment are available, courtesy of Schenectady Youth Hockey Association.  You must provide your own skates, stick, and hockey helmet.

Mini-Mites - This is our second entry level class for established skaters with some prior hockey experience. This class meets 2 days per week, November through March, and it is intended for skaters who have taken our "Intro to Hockey" class or have equivalent skating and stickhandling skills. One lesson each week will have a "hockey" focus and one will have a "hockey skating" focus.  This class is ideal for children who will be 6 or 7 by December 31st, but is open to older and younger players with the requisite skills.    

Recreational Ice Hockey for ages 9-13 -  This course is for players age 9 to 13 who have mastered skating forwards in a gliding motion, turning in both directions, and stopping, and are working on crossovers and skating backwards.  The program will focus initially on skills and skating, gradually incorporating game situation drills and instruction in preparation for full ice games.  This is a non-checking program.  Full gear is required.  

Required Gear for Hockey

Please click here for information about pieces of gear are required.

If you have read this and still have any question or are not sure which class is most appropriate for you particular situation, please do not hesitate to contact Linda Zahnleuter by phone at 393-9459 or by email to